"Running" is the twenty-third and final episode of the first season of The Good Wife and the twenty-third episode overall. It has aired by CBS on May 25, 2010. It was written by Robert, Michelle King and Corinne Brinkerhoff, and directed by James Whitmore, Jr.
Alicia and Diane facilitate an immunity deal for an undercover cop who will testify in front of a grand jury that his fellow officers, Task Force members, have been conspiring with gang members to deal in illegal firearms. Two hours later, the cop is dead. The cop's widow files a multi-million-dollar wrongful death suit against Cook County and the City of Chicago and Alicia is her lawyer. Now working for Childs, Cary offers $300,000 to settle the wrongful death suit. Alicia rejects the offer and preps for trial.
Kalinda finds the cache of illegal weapons, but the Task Force officers maintain their innocence in the death of their comrade. Further investigation reveals that the cop’s widow was the one who tipped off the gang member of her husband’s true identity. Alicia confronts her and the widow confesses, her husband was physically abusive, beating her on a regular basis and by telling the gang he was a cop, she knew they would kill him and this was her way out for her and her children.
Special Guest Star[]Guest Starring[]
Background Information[]
- This episode first aired in on May 25, 2010.
- On its first airing this episode attracted 10.58 million viewers.